Privacy Policy:

By joining ‘The Hub’ you agree to receive emails from us about upcoming research groups.

The aim of The Hub is to keep our respondents informed about research opportunities we have available; however, we cannot guarantee that all opportunities will be the perfect fit for you.  

The Hub is an independent research company and we abide by the rules and Code of Conduct of The Market Research Society.  Any information will be retained strictly in accordance with the terms laid out in the Data Protection Act 1998.

The research session may be viewed by clients and will be recorded and videoed so that members of the project team can learn from the feedback and improve the services they offer.  This information is only for internal research purposes and will never be shared by a third party or shown to anyone else unless you have given your consent for us to do so.

All data received by us is stored in an email service called Mailchimp. You will be sent research emails from this account which is controlled by ourselves only.

We reserve the sole right to unsubscribe you from our service without notice if we deem you have registered with fake data. 

We require all subscribers to confirm their humanity once they sign up. You will therefore receive a message with a link that you will have to click to confirm the authenticity of your subscription and your agreement to opt in to our emails.

You will be able to unsubscribe from our email service at any time.